FHA Newsfeed

Here's what's going on!
SCOTUS hears abortion pill case

SCOTUS hears abortion pill case

In 2000, the FDA approved mifepristone, the first of a two-drug protocol used to kill babies through the 10th week of pregnancy, as a “safe and effective” means of abortion. But in their fervor to provide an “easy,” non-surgical option for abortion, did they bypass...

HB 1257: Protecting Kids from Porn

HB 1257: Protecting Kids from Porn

In 2017, the South Dakota legislature declared porn a public health crisis. It’s been seven years, and nothing substantial has changed. The time to stand up against the porn industry and protect our children and our society from this depravity is now, and it starts...

Legislative Update – Week 7

Legislative Update – Week 7

  Age verification (HB1257) The bill which requires explicit websites to implement an age verification system has passed the House on a vote of 62-6. Many of you contacted your Representatives, but now we need you to email your Senator and ask for their support!...

Legislative Update – Week 6

Legislative Update – Week 6

  There is a lot to report after week 6 of the legislative session! Here are a few highlights.   Age verification (HB1257) The bill which requires explicit websites to implement an age verification system passed out of committee unanimously, and heads to the...

South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

The past few weeks of South Dakota’s 2024 legislative session have been enlightening – mostly because it is here that we see legislators' true colors; whether they will put their words into action, or renege on their promises. Sadly, several legislators have taken a...

The gambling lobby wants more

The gambling lobby wants more

Over the past five years, we put a stop to nine different gambling expansion attempts in South Dakota. We know the gambling industry is profiting off the backs of addicts, destroying lives and families in its wake. We have no intention of seeing this harmful industry...

Homeschooling is under attack

Homeschooling is under attack

Over the past several years, homeschooling rates have grown by 94% in South Dakota. This drastic increase of home educating is due in large part to Governor Kristi Noem leading the way in 2021 to protect parental choice and loosen the regulatory burdens placed on...

Our Year in Review

Our Year in Review

As we approach 2024, we would be remiss if we did not take a moment to pause and reflect on the past 12 months and all we have accomplished together for the conservative movement and God’s Kingdom, both in the legislature and beyond. We consider South Dakota’s 2023...

Male Athlete Takes A female Scholarship

Male Athlete Takes A female Scholarship

Conservatives have seen the writing on the wall for years regarding the transgender movement, and even members of the Left are starting to realize it’s not as “innocent” as they once assumed. It started with crossdressing and “preferred pronouns,” but quickly devolved...