FHA Newsfeed

Here's what's going on!
What do we know about Gen Z?

What do we know about Gen Z?

Gen Z comprises 68.8 million individuals in the United States alone, ranging from ages 13 to 26. But what do we really know about them, and how can we reach them on a personal level? Older generations, including some Millennials (ages 27-43), typically look down on...

Happy Thanksgiving from Family Voice

Happy Thanksgiving from Family Voice

This week at Family Voice, we’re giving thanks for the incredible progress and success we’ve witnessed over the past year in South Dakota. We know none of our organization’s accomplishments would be possible without both your support and God’s hand on our ministry,...

Coach Kennedy & Jeremy Dys – Stand Dinner Speech

Coach Kennedy & Jeremy Dys – Stand Dinner Speech

Watch the full presentation from Coach Kennedy & Jeremy Dys at our 2023 Stand Dinner! Coach Joe Kennedy & Jeremy Dys tell their story of how a simple prayer on the football field became a multi-year legal battle that ended in a Supreme Court victory....

Mike Johnson & the media charade

Mike Johnson & the media charade

It took less than 48 hours for the media to uncover the horrifying truth of new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson – that he is a devoted Christian not just in name, but in practice – and attempt to villainize him for his upstanding values. Try as they might, those...

The Detransitioner Bill of Rights

The Detransitioner Bill of Rights

An large number of individuals who are influenced to “transition” their gender as a minor are coming to realize in adulthood that it was a mistake. Unfortunately, these “detransitioners” are often abandoned by the support system that pushed them to transition in the...

Family Heritage Alliance Rebrands with New Organization Name

Family Heritage Alliance Rebrands with New Organization Name

Entering its 14th year of operation, FHA announces new name RAPID CITY, SD (October 31, 2023) – Today the Family Heritage Alliance, and sister organization Family Heritage Alliance Action, announces new branding: Family Heritage Alliance is becoming Family Voice FHA...

Coach Kennedy joins FHA this month

Coach Kennedy joins FHA this month

You may recall hearing about high school football Coach Joe Kennedy, who was fired in 2015 for taking a knee and praying quietly for 15-30 seconds after football games in Washington state. He faced a long road of legal challenges leading up to his victory in the...

Pray for Israel – Peace, Protection, & Provision

Pray for Israel – Peace, Protection, & Provision

“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of...

Federal agencies skew defensive gun uses statistics

Federal agencies skew defensive gun uses statistics

Statistics should not be hidden from the American public to justify Leftist legislation, but that’s exactly what’s happening in the gun control debate. At the urging of gun control organizations last year, the CDC removed its estimates of defensive gun uses from its...

Why is Big Tech censoring a detransitioner?

Why is Big Tech censoring a detransitioner?

A prominent detransitioner has been censored on Instagram for sharing her story of medical abuse and negligence through her transition process, which began at age 13. Big Tech is blinded by their woke agenda and can’t see the truth – that transitioning minor children...